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Land for sale • Lviv regionYavorivskiyPidryasnoe
ID 4510335

Pidryasnoe, Yavorivskiy district

ID 4510335
66 550 $

Land for sale, сільськогосподарського

95 are
Agricultural land for sale in the village of Pidryasne
Plot purpose: agricultural.
A plot of land with an area of 95.1 hectares, plot dimensions: 273 x 35 m.
Located at the address - Vorotsivska village council, Yavoriv district, Lviv region.
Cadastral number 4625882900:03:000:0317
The plot is rectangular in shape, access is an asphalt road.
Infrastructure nearby: gas station "WOG" - 5.5 km., nearest grocery store - 1.6 km., opera house - 15.5 km.
The cost of the plot is $66,550. No commission for the buyer.
You can find out more or arrange an inspection by phone.The company Rentcom, with love for the Clients.

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