Lviv Land & Lots for sale. Buy a land in Lviv

518 Land & Lots













What is attractive land in Lviv

Lviv is a beautiful old city, which is visited by more than 2.2 million tourists annually. Therefore, many buyers are interested in real estate in Lviv and directly buying a land plot in Lviv. The city of Lviv is not only an attractive tourist center, it is still a great industrial city and the scientific center of Ukraine, which has a highly developed branch of information and computer technology (IT), the industrial sector, processing industry. Accordingly, land in Lviv are an investment attractive asset, which can be used for different purposes. Land in Lviv is valuable infrastructure and human potential, and therefore land prices in the city of Lev are quite high. Land plots near Lviv are also in demand.

Land sale in Lviv - prices and options

As we mentioned above, Lviv is an investment attractive city, therefore the cost of land in Lviv is relatively high. Lviv is very active housing construction of multi-apartment buildings is developing. The cost of land plots in Lviv and fluctuates in a very wide range, depending on the location relative to the center of the city, the destination and restrictions, from 2 to 50 thousand dollars per hundred square meters. But this is not the limit Land for commercial development in the city center can cost much more.

Lviv Real Estate will help you to choose a land

Our site offers the largest database of land plots in the city of Lviv, and to find the right land for your purposes, we realized a simple and convenient search of areas on the map, where you can immediately see the cost of land all over Lviv, Also at your service is a developed filter, which makes it possible to specify the price of the plot, destination, area and many other parameters.

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